Thursday, June 15, 2006

Gay Logic Doesn't Make Sense

Note: I changed the title of this blog, my opinion might make people feel uncomfortable but I believe what I believe and that is my right as much as it is anyone else's. Why I felt like writing about this, I don't know. However, it is something I feel strongly about and so my words might hurt some people's feeling or make them mad at me but maybe it's something that they should hear.

Well, It’s true.

Talking about our homosexual friend Skyler has stirred up my gay opinions again. Come on. If you really are gay or lesbian; how smart is that, you will never produce offspring without the help of the opposite sex, so there. If everyone was gay we wouldn’t even need to wait for one of the "imminent" natural disasters to do in civilization, we’d just need to wait a hundred years. That sounds pretty natural to me, yeah right. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support any violence or hatred against homosexuals. I just totally disagree with any and all logic trying to support their lifestyle as being normal or moral. Like I said, I actually have a friend who is gay. I will admit that I am a little uncomfortable with him being gay and I do make a lot of inappropriate jokes at his expense and that's not very good of me. But that doesn't mean that I don't respect his rights as a human being and his right to make that choice. But I do remember some place called Sodom and Gomorrah; whatever happened to them? Where do you think the term sodomy came from. Ok, I think I’m done now.

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