Tuesday, November 07, 2006

GluttonFest Update!

GluttonFest is on Saturday at my house at 3:00 P.M. There will be two turkeys* and lots of potatoes for sure. Not sure about any other food assignments yet. I hope we have a good turnout. If not, more food for the faithful. If you need directions call Eric, Derek, Nate, Jon, Ryan or me. If you plan on coming and can bring a dish, leave a comment.
*actual turkeys may not resemble photo... well, not the fruit


Eric said...

Bitchin'. Would you guys like me to handle pies?

Anonymous said...

I am so excited I can hardly stand it. I might skip dinner tonight so that I can be ready for Saturday

Eric said...

Nate, I have been in your shoes many times. Make sure to drink a lot of water to properly stretch your stomach.

Anonymous said...

Successful Gluttoning, I loved it.