Tuesday, November 14, 2006


This is your brain on Series 7

Phew... Well I made it through the first week of training at my new job feeling pretty good about my cognitive abilities but this week I am getting trashed. Maybe turkey and stuffing has a negative effect on short term memory and comprehension. I'm studying to pass the Series 7 licensing exam for my new job and we have to cover all the material in 12 days. After the cram sessions we get two weeks to take practice exams which will be nice breather. Up until this week I at least had a basic understanding of what we were learning. This week is taking more effort and having a head cold is adding to the excitement. I am sure I will pass but I really want to do better than anyone my trainer has taught before. Anyways... Glutton Fest was sweet! It was awesome to get to meet everyone. Thank you so much Derrek for putting forth all the goods and effort. I hope everyone had a good time I know I did, I think my scale is a little upset with me though.

Random Info:

I get to see Julie in 3 months! I'm so excited I can't stand it. The time is really starting to go by fast.

Good to see that we have some more takers on the trade off. Only one month left.

If you haven't looked at the Endurance 50 link lately you should. There is a short preview of the documentary they are making about the challenge and in case you didn't know; it's not really over. Dean decided to run home to California from New York. Endurance is... amazing.

Album of the Month: When Your Heart Stops Beating (+44)

Plus 44's debut album came out today and I really like it so far. Thank you Itunes. It's definitely worth investigating. I have made it through half of the tracks so far and haven't skipped a song yet.

1 comment:

Mr. Belvedeere said...

i'm doing a presentation on company privacy, i haven't heard your story about what went down between your blog and "the man." could you email me the story if you think it would be relevant at all? thanks, nsharp@mail.usf.edu