Saturday, November 04, 2006

I Hope I Age Well

What a week. As a lot of you may already know my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer about a month and a half ago. My Dad has had his fair share of health problems but this was still a little bit of surprise. His doctor performed a biopsy to asses what the best treatment would be and when the results came back it was decided that surgery to remove the prostate quickly was the best option. So the surgery was scheduled for Halloween, which followed a stressful weekend for me. I did get to see what all the people who work at the hospital dress up like for Halloween. There was one lady who had one of those costumes with a fan that keeps the material blown up in a large shape that's supposed to be funny but I'm still not quite sure what she was supposed to be. This reminded me of the ultimate Kool-Aid jug costume that D-Rock and Spew have always dreamed of creating. If you find it I'll gladly dress up as the brick wall. Anyways..

My Dad's surgery went well. The doctors were afraid that he would have complications with all the medicine that he takes; blood thinners, medication for Addison's Disease, low blood pressure etc... Luckily he didn't even need a blood transfusion and the doctors were able to leave a nerve bundle that was originally slated for removal. The biopsy of the lymph glands removed during the surgery came back negative so the chances are good that the cancer hasn't spread. We were able to bring my Dad home on Thursday night and he's doing much better now than in the hospital. Wednesday night and Thursday were really bad days at the hospital. I have to say that it is one of the hardest things in life to watch those you love be in agony and not be able to help them. I definitely don't think I could be a nurse after this week either, not that I've ever even considered it but now I know for sure. Even though I know the statistics show that almost all men get prostate cancer eventually I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can dodge this one.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Good to hear that all is going well. I felt the same way watching my Old Man stumble around after he did his prostate thing. I guess it's better than ovulating every month. Our thoughts and prayers are with your dad.