Friday, August 04, 2006

D Day

Well, it's finally here. I participate in my first triathlon tomorrow. I feel kind of nervous because I really don't know how everything works yet. It's not like you just show up, get your number and start running. I have to take a lot of crap but it's definitely going to be worth it. At least training for this ordeal has got me to enjoy exercise again. Over the last 11 weeks I have exercised between 2 to 3 hours a day 5 days a week. I'm still no where near where I want to be at running but I have managed to drop a couple of pants sizes, 15 pounds and about 6 percent body fat. I also listened to about 12,000 pages worth of audio books. So all in all I'm pretty pleased with my progress. I think my next goal is going to be a half marathon and then an Olympic size triathlon. I am beginning to realize though that my goal of being 180 pounds is probably a bit crazy unless I don't have any muscle and look like the anorexic Olsen twin. Well... It's also the last week for my chemistry class too so I better go back to the studying.


Eric said...

Sweet. I am hella excited for you. I have also nearly given up on the idea that I should weigh 180 pounds. Where did I gain all this weight?

Unknown said...

I hope we get a good story about this on the blog. I really want to hear how it all goes and maybe a picture or two if you were able to get any. Brynn and I are both proud of you, keep up the hard work.