Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You know, that one kid?

Why is there always that one kid at school or work that constantly asks irrelevant questions? I love it when an instructor says "We're not going to talk about (insert subject) now because we're going to cover it in detail later". Which is immediately followed by the half hand raise and then blurted out question "I know we don't need to know this now but... I was wondering about how exactly such and such works?" Followed by half of the room inhaling deeply and closing their eyes and the other half rolling their eyes skyward. I hope I'm not that kid because I might have been in the past.

On a side note this is going to be an interesting week for me. I'm trying to limit myself to three hours of television for the week. Self determination has prevailed so far but I'm only half way there. Also do we have an official count for the lacrosse game on Saturday? I'm willing to buy the tickets ahead so we can all sit together. Leave a comment or call me.

How would you like to be the picture that shows up when someone searches for nerd on google?


Anonymous said...

I'm in for the tickets.

Eric said...

I think I am too, I'll call you on Thursday.