Thursday, December 07, 2006

Just Wondering

When you take your car to an automatic car wash do you turn up your stereo really loud and sing along with your favorite song? I do. While I was jamming out during the latest ranger bath I noticed that the clear coat protectant smells an awful lot like bubble gum. Do you think that its just a coincidence or is there something in bubble gum that smells like clear coat protectant? Maybe Dr. Spew could shed some light on the chemical analysis for me.


Eric said...

I have definitely noticed that fruity smell. I don't have any access to my lab anymore, but the best hypothesis I have come up with so far is that they squeeze oil from pieces of Double Bubble in order to make the clear coating.

Oh congrats on the test, I meant to call you and tell you yesterday but I have been a bit busy with finals and such. The Redhead and I are really happy for you.

Unknown said...

I used one of those washer things a couple months ago and I swear the car was more dirty after I went through it.