Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Getting Fed Up With Gold

I really don't like Gold's Gym. They aren't that great. At least not the one I go to. I think I'm about to the point where I'm going to start driving to Kearns where they actually have a swimsuit dryer. I go to the gym minimum every other day and usually every day except Sunday. I have been doing this for quite some time and I know that Gold's has a policy that their lockers are for day use only. However, when I inquired about this around 5 months ago I was told that they really don't do that at this gym. So I have, for a long period of time, been leaving my swimming goggles and related swimming training paraphernalia(yes that's how it's spelled, I had to look it up) in a locker overnight. Meanwhile, I got sick. In the week that I didn't go to the gym apparently they decided to start enforcing their locker policy. So they cut my lock off. Not pleasant but not a huge deal; If they would have put my stuff in the lost and found or somewhere instead of just leaving it in the locker for who knows how long. No they just left it there unprotected. Swimming stuff isn't cheap, it isn't ridiculously expensive but I had near a hundred dollars worth of stuff sitting there for who knows how long. When I went to complain you would think they had been enforcing their policy for ever, "It's always been that way" my ass it's always been that way, what about the last six months I've been here every day. And since when is there an "overnight" at a supposedly 24 hour gym except when they close early on the weekends and half the day Sunday. Give me a break. So to file a complaint I had to write it out on a contract freeze form that they probably tossed in the trash as soon as I walked away. Excellent customer service.


Anonymous said...

I hate gyms. They con you into signing up and then they do tons of things to make you mad. If they were nice, they wouldn't have to require you to sign up for a year contract because you would want to keep going to them after a month. I think we should all boycott gyms and get fat together.

Anonymous said... why you are not married. You're making plans to get fat!

Anonymous said...

Another thing...I agree with Tyler. It's a horrible institution and anyone that I've talked is bothered by the place as well. I'm figuring that they decided that they had too many lockers with locks on them so they cut them off. They never enforced it at our location ever!

Anonymous said...

Laura, girls aren't as superfical is guys are so it doesn't matter. Anyways, I'm talking about getting so fat that it is noticable. I'll get just fat enough that I can wear baggy clothes and people will think that is just the style I like.

Anonymous said...

Ryan if you are wearing baggy clothes, girls around you will think it is OK to wear the same and then the next thing you know, you'll end up with a fat girl. Be careful. You have to manipulate them into thinking that it is fine for you to gain a little weight, but tragic if they can't fit into their jeans anymore. But before all of this happens, you may need a girlfriend first.

Oh did anyone else notice the time of Ryan's post?