Friday, October 20, 2006

Follicle Folly #2

Well I did it again. It's pretty sad that when I have a drought in blog writing a self-inflicted wound always brings me back to the table. I have got into the habit of shaving my head about every two weeks and have become quite proficient at it in my opinion. Until today. Those electric razors can do some damage. Yes I nicked my ear, yes it hurt and yes the ear does have a lot of blood circulating through it. I think I should have taken the picture when it was more bloody for the sake of aggrandizement but I was in pain so you get the slightly cleaned up version. I was also just talking with Eric about Stephen Hawking filing for divorce today and I had funny thought. Did you know that his voice computer deal was built for him by the ex-husband of his current wife(the one he is divorcing)? I told Eric that if that guy had been me I would have programmed it to go into a terrets mode whenever Hawking gave a speech. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love "The Rock" look.